Club Coaching Policy
The Club’s policy is to provide first class fully-inclusive coaching to members and prospective members, from beginner- to performance-level. Such provision will be delivered by, or overseen by, Archery GB qualified coaches from within the Club, supported by other volunteer club member helpers. The Club will also seek to access outsourced resources for members as appropriate.
The Club operates within the guidelines and requirements of Archery GB, to which all Thirsk Bowmen, Junior Bowmen and Bowmen for All members are also members of.
Pre-membership coaching provision
The Club operates a primary schools outreach program (led by Denise Brockbank) for introducing archery to younger members of the local community in school, utilising equipment specifically designed to ensure a fun and safe environment. Please Contact Us for further details.
Route to membership coaching provision
The Club provides an annual Beginners Course in Archery (coordinated by Neal Brown and Linton Austin). If you are unfamiliar with the sport, please note that completion of a Beginners Course is a pre-requisite of club membership. It is a policy of the Club that anyone under the age of 18 undertaking the course, is actively accompanied on the course by a parent or guardian. Please Contact Us here for further details.
The Club will always provide this course by meeting, and seeking to exceed, the highest expectations of Archery GB. The Club has a performance target of 100% conversion from course completion to membership sign-up.
The Club organises coach-led activity days for novice members, including a Tackle Day, New Starters Competition Day, and Manufacturer / Retailer Visit Day.
Membership coaching provision
The Club operates an on-going coaching program for Junior (under 18) Archers (course leader, Thomas Keane, Archery GB qualified coach, supported by Ian Chappell, Archery GB qualified coach), overseen by the Club’s Child Protection Officer (Allan Shuker, Archery GB qualified coach).
The Club operates an annual Improvers Course (course leader, Danny Cameron, Archery GB qualified coach) for members who are looking to develop their archery skills in a more structured way.
It is the Club’s policy to provide coaching as required to members, either on an ad hoc basis, through organised Instructional Days or through 1-2-1 sessions (subject to coach availability).
Performance coaching provision
The Club provides a pathway for those archers wishing to excel at competition level. This is organised on a one-to-one basis where required, including dovetailing into the activity of county squads and National Talent Identification (overseen by Danny Cameron, Archery GB qualified coach).
Coach development provision
The Club seeks to encourage members to join the coaching squad, through commitment to Archery GB coaching qualifications. This support can include funding for course- and other out-of-pocket-expenses, subject to committee approval.
Coaching Squad
Danny Cameron
Thomas Keane
Ian Chappell
Tanya Nightingale
Neal Brown
Linton Austin
Weekly Coaching
To help new archers in their first few weeks, or experienced archers looking to improve, the club offers weekly coaching sessions to all members. These can be senior and junior archers, shooting any bow style. At Thirsk Bowmen, coaching is for everyone, and these sessions offer a great way to improve your shooting.
The coaches encourage a friendly, relaxed environment where archers of any level can enjoy developing their skills.
Here's what some of our archers have said about this coaching:
“The coaching offered has been invaluable and of great benefit to my development in archery and I look forward to continuing in the future.”
“I think the availability of such high quality coaching is a real bonus as club members.”
“The sessions are excellent and have really helped us all to progress in our family. Thank you to everyone involved.”
“I enjoy the group coaching sessions. Being coached and listening to others being instructed is interesting and encouraging, knowing that I'm not the only one trying to get something right!"
This coaching is led by Level 2 Qualified Coaches, Tanya and Thomas.
Photos from our Weekly Coaching sessions can be found here